Inner City Law Center Celebrates Passage of Housing Bills AB 2667 and SB 7

The passage of these bills and many others aimed at streamlining housing production and increasing reporting transparency indicate housing is still the number one issue for Californians.
Los Angeles, CA (September 25, 2024) — Last week, California Governor Gavin Newsom signed into law two bills sponsored by Inner City Law Center—AB 2667 and SB 7.
“Cutting red tape and increasing affordable housing production is a key element to solving homelessness in California,” said Inner City Law Center CEO Adam Murray. “Both AB 2667 and SB 7 bring us closer to that goal.”
AB 2667 strengthens existing statewide law to affirmatively further fair housing while bolstering reporting and increasing transparency. The bill also provides enforcement tools for bringing local housing elements into compliance with state law, including fines and court-ordered solutions.
SB 7 improves the regional housing needs assessment process, closing loopholes and ensuring each county and city be held accountable for building their fair share of the housing Californians so desperately need.
“By requiring uniform metrics, SB7 gives us a more accurate picture of how successful California’s laws to affirmatively further fair housing are being executed,” Mahdi Manji. “That accurate picture is vital if we are going to effectively dismantle systemic housing discrimination.”
Governor Newsom also signed two other bills Inner City Law Center strongly supported: AB 1893, which clarifies the Builders Remedy to allow mixed-income housing development in localities without compliant housing elements, and AB 2243, which allows mixed-income housing on land zoned for commercial use.
About Inner City Law Center
Inner City Law Center is a nonprofit, poverty-law firm headquartered in Skid Row, working to end the homelessness crisis by providing free legal services to the most vulnerable residents of Los Angeles.
Inner City Law Center’s staff of more than 130 (including 70 lawyers), together with hundreds of volunteers, fight for people facing eviction, struggling with landlord harassment, fighting to secure their veteran or disability benefits, or standing up to slum housing conditions.