Facing Eviction While Grieving: Ross’ Story

Ross lived with his friend Rob for years. When Rob became seriously ill, Ross began to function as his live-in caregiver. While Rob fought for his life against several chronic and progressive illnesses, Ross was there to help. Ross did all he could to keep Rob comfortable as his health continued to deteriorate. 

Ross cared for Rob through the good and the bad.

When Rob passed, his niece inherited the apartment he and Ross had shared, and she wanted Ross out. She told Ross she had changed Rob’s will at the last moment, and began eviction proceedings against him. While grieving the loss of his closest friend, Ross suddenly found himself in a deeply vulnerable position — without money, without a job, and without a place to live.

That’s when he came to Inner City Law Center. 

“I was facing being out on the street, literally out on the street. I had no place to go, I didn’t have family I could stay with. No place.” 

Inner City Law Center’s Preventing & Ending Homelessness Team recruited Neil Thakor of Norton Rose Fulbright, one of Inner City Law Center’s pro bono partners, to tackle Ross’ case head-on. 

Not only was Ross’ lawyer able to prove Rob left Ross $10,000 in his will, he also secured an additional $22,500 in relocation funds for Ross.

Empowered with these funds and a better understanding of his rights as a tenant, Ross was able to to move into a new apartment. Without the threat of homelessness looming over him, Ross has begun to make plans for the next chapter of his life.